As narrated from Salman, on the last day of  the month of  Shaban our Rasul had given a khutbah in the following manner on the last of Shaban:-

‘’-Oh! You the people, a very great month has come over us. This month is full of mercy and blessings. There is a one night in this month which is more blessed than one thousand months.

Allah has declared as a pillar to fast during this month as well as spending the nights by performing the salaat. The one who makes the slightest  positive deed, receives the same amount of blessings as if  he has performed all the pillars in the remaining months too. Anyone who performs the salaat that has been set as a pillar will have the positive returns seventy times more than the salaat performed in the remaining other months. This is a month especially for patience and endurance. The positive deeds received from this patience is Heaven.  This is a month for equality. The spiritual gains of the people are increased. The sins of  the person who supplies the necessary food for a person who is fasting are forgiven.

He’ll be set free from Hell.  Also, he’ll be receiving twice the positive deeds of the other person.  There wouldn’t be any missing point in the positive deeds of a person.’’

When the people present in that place heard these words they said :-

‘’-Oh! Rasul of Allah all of us do not have the means to  supply the necessary food for breaking the fast. What would you say for this?

Our Rasul answered ‘’Allah will be giving you the positive gains even if  you give the person a date, a sip of water, or a sip of milk mixed with water.’’

Mercy is before this month, the middle part is ......   and the end result is to be set free from Hell. Whoever acts generously in this month, then all his sins would be forgiven by Allah and would set him free from Hell.

I suggest you do the following four good things during this month.  With the two of these you’ll be pleasing your Rabb/Lord, and with the other two you’ll be saving yourself.

The two acts which would please your Lord is to repeat the Word of Witness and the Word of Repentance.  The acts which will be good for you are asking for Heaven from Allah and finding shelter from Hell in Allah.  Whoever gives water to a person who is fasting, then Allah will let him drink water from Allah’s endless supplies so that he will never be feeling thirst all his life long.’’

(This passage has been taken from the book Tuhfetu’l-Ihvan) 


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