Dressed as well as naked...
Seen in various images,
Hides within an image…

Sometimes loves,
Sometimes chooses not to talk…

Wants the solitude,
Loves the crowd…

Makes the ‘’Point’’become bigger to
grow into a mountain,
Makes the mountain smaller to become a point…

Sometimes talks for a long time,
Sometimes not a word comes out of  his mouth…

Is a true friend,
Is not concerned with the friends at other times…

Has a loving look,
There is not a trace of love…

Says ‘’The System’’, then you also say ‘’The System’’,
Then says ‘’I ‘’!…

The Only ONE is the system itself,
The ‘’I’’ behind the system…

Knows about everything,
However, looks as if unaware…

Pours down like the hail,
Shines like the Sun…

Hides (covers up) what is obvious,
Brings into the open what is hidden…

Gives an orientation to whomever he wishes,
Disappears in those that have been oriented…

The whole existence becomes visible through the ‘Only One’,
However, the Only One does not make any mistakes…

Looks as if  he owns somethings,
Whereas he does not have any connection to them…

Has a certain mass,
However, he is beyond (does not obey) the rule of gravity…

Watches those who are hungry,
But feeds those who do not suffer from hunger…

Looks furious,
But very calm inside…

Lives within the time,
But he is beyond time (does not obey the time)…

Does not think about himself,
But thinks about the future…

Whatever he takes as serious is a joke,
And whatever he takes as a joke  is serious…

The Only One is the positive deed,
And does not take over the sin…

The only one does a lot of good,
But he doesn’t become good….

Ahmet F. Yuksel 
Istanbul, January 21st 2000


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