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I have Asked to the One Who Knows!...(2)

This Essay was published in the monthly "Popular Science" and June ’99 issue of the monthly "SignGraphic"

According to famous astronomer and biologist Carl Sagan, one of the most popular scientists of the twentieth century and who died of bone cancer, there are 400 billions of suns in the system known as Galaxy. In comparison with the other Galaxies ours is said to be medium in size. There are bigger ones too.

Our Galaxy, together with Andromeda, the South Triangle Spirals and nearly with thirty other galaxies make up the local series of galaxies.

When we think that in each galaxy there are billions of stars together with their satellites, the human being comes to encounter figures and magnitudes beyond the reach of his logic.

Sagan, in his last book "The Pale Blue Point" accepts our world as a tiny bit of dust which doesn’t have any mathematical wholeness among the other galaxies and the solar system. From a distance it can not be noticed even as a pale blue point.

In this incredible extention, the brief information about the history of our solar system and its creation are as follows:

Regarding the expansion of the universe the scientists went backwards like squeezing the inflated balloon or like the film machine winding the film backwards. As a result they found out that the Universe was born by an explosion 15 billions of years ago from a structure which was very high in temperature and of a very high density.

The famous astronomer Hubble says: "If the Universe is expanding continuously, then one comes to the conclusion that this mass, which is impossible to describe, was quite small once upon a time. There is a special moment when the Big bang has started. That special moment is the birth of the universe".

Another observation which helps to explain the Big bang is the existence of cosmic rays in the distant part of the space 15 billion years after the Big Bang. These cosmic rays have very short wavelenghts, and they travel like radio waves or the microwaves. They have given very important clues to the scientist about the birth of the universe.

The genius scientist Hawking, in his new bok reflects the view that before the Big Bang the Universe was the size of a bean. However, in my opinion the Universe is not limited with only one Big Bang; it has been created out of an infinite number of big bangs or "booms". Therefore, the universe exists in an infinite and Limitless form.

These notes are pertaining to the times before the existence of man in our world. Our world is 149 million, 596 thousand kilometers away from the Sun. According to the radioactive measurements, it is exactly 4.6 billion years old. At the same time this is the age of the planets of the Solar System which end up with the planet Pluto.


As a result of the turns in certain rythms, in other words the world with its turns around its own axis puts forth the concepts of day and night and with its tour around the Sun it makes up the year.

From the point of Astronomy, time and measurements are infinite. In spite of this fact, the concept of time is relative, there is no change in this. And, we, the human beings are unable to determine our place in time.

The length of our life-time is offered to us by the creating power which is free from the concepts of "time and place"; as a section with globalized Limits. This offer comes to light with the concept of "Asr" (century).

At this moment the world can be considered in the middle age group. In the coming phases the Sun, being a star will burn up the hydrogen in its center, afterwards it will start to expand and will swallow(!) our world. Now, it is said that the fuel of the Sun which is hydrogen is fifty percent consumed. Therefore, there are around 4.5 billion years for the Sun to expand fully and become a "supernova", to say it in short for its death.

At the same time this will be the death of the world too. It is not known definitely when the human beings came into existence, and started to live on this Earth. The researches and the findings point out that the history of humanity goes back to 200 millions of years.

Since the second half of the 19th century, with the avaible scientific data it was understood that man was not created by supernatural powers. The life of man was the natural result of a certain evolutionary phase, a Universal formation which takes place in every creature. In other words man came into existence with the evolution which took place in a certain order starting from minerals, then evolving into plants then into animals then into men. Among various ideas, the "Darwinistic theory" which defends the fact that man has started to generate from monkeys has not found much prestige. When we examine the phases of evolution we can see that man was at the beginning a Homo erectus (walking straight on his two feet, with a straight back) then Homo faber (making tools), Homo Lingua (which speaks, which has a special tongue), Homo symbolicus (which can make abstractions), Homo curious (which can research, investigate) and at last become the Homo Sapiens (which has a mind). None of the other prime mates have these qualities belonging to the human being.

Another interesting point to note is that there has been a generation of dynasours which have lived 75 billion years ago have disappeared completely afterwards.

Now, lets come to the information covering the period after the existence of men on this earth.

The interesting aspect is, the length of a man’s life in the time span called "The Cosmic Calendar". Now, let us try to find this out with mathematical calculations.

Since the moment of the Big Bang which is accepted as the instant that the Universe has started to exist; 15 billion worldly years have passed.

This is equal to one "Cosmic Year". The Sun is 4.5 billion years old according to the worldly years, whereas with respect to its own calendar it is only 8 years old. Because, it could make only 8 tours to the center of the Galaxy/the Milky Way in which it is placed.

One tour of the Sun lasts 255 millions of worldly years. (As a result of the calculations, the age of the Sun ahould be 2.040 billions of years.

When the period that has passed with thermonuclear reactions and the proto-planet phase is added to this, the age of the Sun becomes 4.500 millions of years).

Now, let us make calculations in the light of these astronomical data. If we assume the age of the Universe which is 15 billion worldly years as 12 months, then the age of the Sun is 3.6 (approximately 4) months!

When we assume the time elapsed since the existence of man on earth as two hundred millions of years and the fifteen billion worldly years as 8766 hours (365 days x 24 hours = 8760 + 6 = 8766), then the life of the man kind which has been existing 200 millions of worldly years fits in a period of five days with respect to the cosmic calendar.

With a similar calculation we find out that a man with an average life of seventy worldly years lives approximately 8.6 or 9 seconds with respect to the cosmic calendar (in other words 70 worldly years equals to 8.6 or 9 cosmic seconds).

And we are continuing our lives with endless struggles, ego conflicts, with ordinary conditionings and value judgements and comments which are not proper for the honour and dignity of mankind. While we are going on in this manner, we must carefully evaluate how we are going to make use of our lives which fit in a period which can be called "nothing". We must think once more how we can make use of the sections of our life which can be told in instants and which fit in this.

This is the correct way.

Ahmet F. Yuksel


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