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n the Islamic world,  those who are interested in the philosophy of  sufism, in other words who dive into the hidden depths of these subjects accept Muhiddin-I Arabi as the father of the point of view named as the Oneness of Existence. Imam-Gazali, who is considered among the leaders of this theory has made explanations on this subject, however he has not made his explanations openly, but with a rather veiled style. Therefore,  it cannot be said  that he has been as successful as Arabi.

It is beyond my capacity to know the ranks of  these two saints, however this is what my humble opinion is.

Many saints have approved the theory  ‘’Oneness of Existence’’.
Ubeydullah Ahrar, one of  the esteemed, respectful people has stated his approach to this subject by saying ‘’the objective of sufism is the subject of  existence, the body’’.
On the other hand, approximately one thousand years after Hz. Rasul of Allah’s death this thought has been developed by Ahmed Faruk Serhendi. So, the philosophy of existence which has a very important place in sufism has changed its line and took the form ‘’What is present is only Allah, everything is Allah’s shadow’’. This has been like a revolutionary model.
According to this theory,  existence is only an image. As a matter of fact, Hz. Abd-ul Karim Ceyli, who is the  Man of the  Universe and the grandson of  Hz.Abd-ul Kadir Gilani accepts the existence of  the universe as an image and points out the fact that in a sense the body does not exist. He is accepting the existence/the body  as a shadow, in other words as an image.
In such a case, it becomes impossible to think of the body as something real.
Therefore, the point of view which states ‘’Everything is not Hu, but everything is because of  Hu’’  becomes more significant…

Please, be careful  not to accept  this idea   as polytheism. If you do so, then you will not be able to develop and reach new ideas and your understanding will stop!…

If you ask me what I think, then I’ll extend my thoughts till I reach  Unity and  from that point of view my evaluations would be as follows:
‘’In spite of the fact that I am strongly for the opinion Oneness of Existence, the theory of  Oneness of Witness is much more overwhelming…’’

Another subject is :

Hz. Imam Rabbani in his book ‘’MEKTUBAT-I RABBANI’’,  has stated his ideas on this subject and while doing so he has given as an example an event which was told by Muhyiddin-I Arabi in his book Futuhat-I Mekkiye.

In the said book Arabi says the following:
‘’While I was going round the Kaabah to perform the regular visit, suddenly a group appeared. One of  the men in the group came near me and said:
-I am from your ancestors
So, I asked:
-How many years have passed since your death?
-More than forty thousand years…
I was astonished by this answer, so I said:
-How can this be;  even seven thousand years have not passed since Adam was created?

Hz. Arabi then continues;
‘’Then I remembered that the .hadith  ‘’Allah has created one hundred thousand Adam(s)’’ was confirming the above statement…’’

In the light of  what has been told  above, Hz.Rabbani makes the following comments:
 ‘’All the men that have come and passed before the existence of  Hz.Adam were not in the universe which is similar to the universe of  dreams.   Our Rasul of  Allah (s.a.v) has got his existence from the Universe of Witness. He attained the caliphate on earth, moreover he became the one to whom even the angels had prostrated.   He was only the Ebul Beþer Adam (the man who was fully human with all the perfections).
The person  found by Arabi and who has been dead for forty thousand years was a transparent, lucid one  from his ancestors….

The sheikh had a presence  in the universe of   witness  which  was making the tours of visit around Beyt-I Þerif, but right at that moment he was also in the universe similar to the universe of dreams, because the Great Kaabah has a similar  image  in this universe.  This image is the kýblah  for the people of that universe.’’
While he is stating his ideas with these words, he places his proof  on the following words of  the man whom Arabi had seen:
‘’-I am from your ancestors and forty thousand years have passed since my death.’’

According to Rabbani the men who came  from   Adam should have possessed his qualities  . They were not created   separately from the creation of Adam (a.s).
In other words Hz. Imam Rabbani states that it was impossible to speak about the existence of  a human being before Prophet Adam who had found his origin and truth. He also mentions that what Arabi had seen is in the universe similar to the universe of dreams….

Also, Hz.Arabi relates this event with the catastrophes (the events which caused the end of  millions of people)   that the generations had and gives the above hadith as an example on which his observations are based.

I have thought about this subject for a long time!…
And I wanted you to evaluate this subject between these  two esteemed saints…..

Istanbul- January 11th 2000

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