ysticism is  a theoretical concept. The Rasul(s) and the Nabi(s) are the ones who have put forth this theory in the most perfect way. Every person who believes in the Koranic decrees has the duty of  explaining the religion  and  ‘’Recommending Haqq’’.
The one who speaks about the religion may not be authorized to speak in the name of  Allah, however he has the right to speak and tell as much as he could perceive.   This right has been given to the human being by the Koran.
This is how I believe.
I must transfer my belief without waiting something in return…
This is the duty of  those who are serious, who have a wide knowledge in their subjects and who can go down to the depths of  the matters.
As for myself , I should tell you all I know as much as I have been able to reach  the depths of this subject.

The root of the word Islam comes from the words ‘’Silm’’ and ‘’Salam’’ and mainly it means to attain peace. However, these concepts should not be understood as an individual being in submission to the will of  another, but it should be understood as   the created  one should find the creator in his essence.
The decree ‘’There is not a  change in the laws of  Allah’’ and the individual’s knowing his origin and truth by means of  religion this is the true meaning of  attaining peace) are related to Islam.
However,  mysticism covers both of the concepts of religion and Islam.

The absolute creator  has given the religion  to the human being and the Jinn through the Rasul(s) and the Nabi(s) which in fact is  the total of  the divine decrees consisting of  the rules(orders)  and the prohibitons. It is a theory that has to be understood.
It tells about the system. It tells about the rules that are at present functioning on earth.
It makes up the connection between  these rules and  the life in the akhirat (the afterlife realm) and provides the eternal happiness of  the human beings.
The individuals who think about  eternity start arranging their lives without violating  the rules that have  been stated by the religion.

The religion does not give any place to concepts which are not based on evidence. It is like a projector which can light up the actions of  the life as a whole.
There isn’t even a single point which the religion is unable to enlighten; because it is there for answering the questions.
The religious person has to know some of  the realities and what it means to be  scientific.

Mysticism teaches the humans that there is not a god. It also tells us that there is not a god as well as servitude, that the servitude is relative and this can be perceived by going back to one’s origins.
Mysticism gives one the  start by the most glorius belief which is faith and by the warning ‘’Aren’t you still contemplating?’’ and invites the humans to deep thinking.

The assumptions do not have any influence over the religion. We do not have to be angry or sorry for someone because he is dealing with religion.

The religion informs the individual that in order to have  the necessary sustenance it is necessary to work.  However, working is not a factor in the sense that we understand, actually it is related to a change in the dimension of  the conscious.
According to the religious indicators, ‘’the point of  destination’’ that has been determined in the mother’s womb will never change.

Mysticism emphasizes that the world has not been created by a god and the concept of being created identifies itself with the creator, so the human being who has taken the title of  ‘’caliph’’ should be purified from the  thoughts pertaining to the humans (of five senses).   Mysticism informs that being proud of oneself or boasting cannot reflect a certain truth  and modesty too will be considered as a  value similar to  pride.  It speaks about the fact that as there cannot be directing oneself towards a god, the positive and the negative in the individual should be neutralized  and these concepts will never disappear.  It also says that  the beings produced by the man himself  and that are always together with him are able to  create the disorder named stress (suffering).

The religion teaches that the individualism (the ego/the personal identity)  should be ignored while ruling, managing, commanding and while thinking about the means of living. It also teaches that all of these situations are being prepared by the Absolute Being and there cannot be a god with lots of good things to give us. It teaches to behave as a servant of Allah.
This is a basic lesson.

Another detail is that mysticism has come to save our minds,  and our thought mechanism. It stops us from getting directed to a certain group, class or similar things because they are beneficial for us or  due to our dependence on the outer world.

The religion does not have any relation or connection with politics.
The religion has not presented any theories regarding economics or politics.
If, we try to find out a connection between these subjects and religion we should not think that we are going to obtain good results.

In order to understand what is being told about religion, it is necessary  for the brain to get sufficient oxygen and the individual should have the capacity to deal with all kinds of subjects.
According to the religion there is one road for the mind (for logical thinking, for finding out the right solution).  The human beings will be able to reach certain stages (levels of  conscious) only  by means of their minds (to the extent that they make use of their minds).
Religion will not take into consideration any obstacles which tend to stop our logic from functioning freely.
When we come to our enemies in the inside, in other words our feelings;  religion makes it a must for the individual to set himself free from his feelings, to get purified and become pure.
Religion wants us to delete our knowledge which is only on the surface, our desires, wishes, hatreds, and angers.
Religion speaks to normal individuals and expects them to make the normal practices.
If the individuals are not normal, if they are insufficient, then neither the rules of religion nor  the manners/the norms are valid for him. The traditional understanding that is being passed over is not a religious understanding.

Mysticism considers sincerity and the inner purity/cleanliness as ‘’a prayer’’ and to set oneself free of  one’s addictions as a victory/a jihad.
The mission of the prophets is to teach the people absolute servitude, the practices made for  prayers and to teach them how to keep away from the idols and superstition.
Any person who learns mysticisim keeps away from all these.

Mysticism decides/ gives the direction to a person’s life.  Both the social life of the societies and their lives in the life beyond death become more open by means of  religion.

I must declare that while writing this article I did have some difficulty in order to put forth the unknown aspects of religion rather than the familiar ones...

P.S. This article had been published in the newsapaper
‘’Akþam’’ dated November 27th. 2000

Istanbul- october 13th 2001

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