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n our language the concept of “many” indicates numerical sense and it takes on the meaning “ how many, how much, how, lots of”.
We meet with it in some sentences like “to many years…”/ ”Many summers passed by”/ “There are many personages who came and went”/ “There were many closets at shore houses”…
Thus, numerical sense is used by the word “many” and covers the past and future at the same time.

I wrote my many of articles reflects to the web site in one of the many rooms of the Private Duygu Hospital which my mother stayed because of hip break. Once she whose life takes nearly a century told me “not yet” on one of her suffering nights
She felt that we were waiting her death. Her whole life was embroidered on her weak and slender body. After 45 days since her words she died. I became friends with most of the doctors from the hospital, I was proud of them and the nurses also by their orderliness and carefulness.

Another characteristic of the concept “many” is that it integrates time and saparates past and future when detailed.

It reflects an aim as a whole depending on the way of use in a sentence, which is an important quality.

I catched the most suitable meaning of it in this sentence;
“Many people will come and go from this world, but none of them will be able to substitute Hz. Rasulullah and His Mirror.

With wishes of peace and health…

İstanbul, March 31nd 2000

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