We have put down twenty suggestions for those who think that the philosophy of  sufism based mainly on the Oneness of Existence does not have any place in Islam;

1.Try to perceive the Universal System... Make a very good evaluation of the Angel named as the Spirit which is the basis of  the universe of plurality and the hierarchy. Please, also evaluate very well the angels which are made up of  quants.

2.Do not let the daily concepts which are the requirements for the physical life of the human being, stay permenantly in the data base of your brain.

3.In your private affairs do not use your friends as drivers. Try to prepare and present them the means which would lead them to think and meditate deeply.

4.Try to be calm and act in a mature way in your one to one relations.  Try to avoid any extravagant behaviour which would reflect your individualism.

5.Do not use a secretary. Try to answer the phone calls both in your home and in your office by yourself.  If you do not want to talk to the person on the opposite end of the line try to make him sense your wish by using very polite and kind words.

6.Please, re-check the details regarding the seating order both in the home, in the restaurant and in the office. Do not make a habit of a special seating order. Everybody should sit in the place wherever he finds.

7.Do not use any titles which indicate any hierarchy when you are with the people. The concepts regarding the hierarchy are only for the Rasul of Allah and for the angels. You should become conscious of this fact.

8.Try to use the universal statements as much as you can instead of  the words which indicate the social positions, titles and levels.  Try to avoid using the terminology such as ‘’status’’ which depends only on my subjective evalaution or yours. TRy to say ‘’We’’ instead of ‘’I’’...

Erase all the words pertaining to ýndividualism from your vocabulary.

9.While you are conscious of the fact that all the existence is made up  of one whole, it wouldn’t be proper for you to be against a person who is rebellious towards you and who keeps on questioning  you.

10. Think about the fact that Allah is the only One, but the difference in the dimensions present people with different cases. Do not let the understanding of plurality confuse you.

11.Think about the fact that every single person will have to face a certain exam.  Giving up the desire for taking the life’s exams will take the individual to nowhere. You must always be aware of the fact that by doing so you will never be able to get rid of  your individualism .

12. Never forget that the concept  called as ‘’sunnah’’ in Islam means ‘’custom’’ and following the acts and behaviour of our Rasul which are based on technical explanations and reasoning  is a requirement of the sunnah.

13.Do not confuse  the actions made as a requirement of the sunnah in other words ‘’the system’’ with the understanding of ‘’The Absolute Self’’.

When you fail to do this, then the sunnah would mean to be turning towards the god of the system.

14.In Mysticism you should have the necessary understanding which would prevent you from confusing the metaphors with the real, from confusing the symbols with the originals.  If you are unable to do this, then you have the right of  asking the help of  someone ‘’who knows’’....

15.Please always keep in mind that the real Murshid, the real Teacher is the Koran and the Rasul of  Allah.

16.Try not to go into details. The memories are the live addresses of  one’s individualism. Your studies and efforts should be in the direction of knowing yourself.

17.Try to avoid being  charismatic, powerful and proud of yourself.  Love the human beings, do not look down on them and despise them.  However, refrain from delivering your secrets. Never forget the principle ‘’Do not tell a secret to your friend, if you do he will tell it to his friend’’...

18. Only very few of the real friendships may survive. Please, always keep in mind that the friendships would fall apart one day.  When your friendship comes to an end, do not talk behind your friend and remember him with his good aspects.

19.Never forget to avoid yourself from being a person who is colourful (many sided), very curious and sharp as the razor blade. You must have hobbies and responsibilities. Trying to experiment and live a life without restrictions, limits is because of  not knowing Allah. You should accept to be fiery, but in full control yourself.  Try to turn towards Allah with passion.

20.IF you take the above suggestions into consideration, then probably you may accept and like the basic rules of  Islam which are the Unity and the Oneness...

Ahmet F.Yuksel


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