would like to refer to a point which is within the system of  the cosmic life and which is very important for us.  This is a period which causes us to make mistakes and regret about them afterwards.

These are  times when the planets of the solar system are retrograde….
In the astrological description they are symbolised with the letter ‘’R’’.  When any of the planets has this symbol, it means that  for a short time they will be moving  slowly in whatever sun sign they are in.  When we look at them from the earth, they look as if they are  going backwards.  Under such conditions, the influences of the cosmic waves that are coming from them and reaching the earth are more different in comparison to the other periods…
In general, the retrograde period is defined as a period during which there is a slow down in all the activities pertaining to the sign and the house in which  the planet is going retrograde.     However, the retrograde periods have an important advantage…
When the planet starts going direct  following  this period, it  is possible that we may be coming across to some of the opportunities that we have missed before in a different way.  In this way it gives  us a one more chance.  From this point, it is important to know the exact periods of  the retrograde motions….

Except the Sun and the Moon, all the planets move retrograde for  a certain period of time within a year.   Among these, the one which is known most is the retrograde motion of Mercury.  This planet which is famous with its cleverness, hasty actions and naughtiness goes retrograde  for three times each year…  Mercury has made the  first retrograde motion of the millennium in February.  Now, it is getting prepared for the second one which is going to take place between June 23rd  and July 17th
The last retrograde before entering the year 2001 would be between October 18th and November  10th

When the Mercury starts its retrograde motion, the cosmic/angelic  influences reaching the brains cause a slow down in the thought mechanisms of the individuals.  Therefore, it stops one from  thinking carefully in the right way and from reaching the  right decision.  Especially, its  going retrograde when it is passing through Cancer has lots of risks.  To tell the truth, Mercury does not like this sign very much. Here, it cannot expose its active behaviour, cleverness and logic. It is influenced by the emotional, intuitive, introvert and timid mood of  Cancer.  Therefore,  the possibility of making mistakes in the decisions and activities during these periods is very high  in comparison to other times…

This is valid especially for the water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces as well as for individuals belonging to the remaining  other signs in varying degrees.
We suggest you not to make any important decisions during this period. Do not  indulge in  new challenges and do not sign any contracts.  Try to stay away from   shopping and trade…   Especially, those people who are responsible for others such as the politicians, presidents, the members of the government, the managers, the heads of the families, the directors in schools who are responsible for the students and those belonging to the media should all be very careful.  This is important both for themselves and for the people whom they are responsible.

Now, if you are saying ‘’Everything is fine, but what should we do?’’…
We can say that you can go on with the work  which you have started before, think over your old plans and projects without reaching any decisions.
Let us say it more openly… Try to be lazy a little bit. If you have the means, then go on a holiday by the water or   any place where the nature is beautiful. Give a light break for  all the serious work that you are doing. This would be the best. However, do not forget that even in doing these you could end up with doing something stupid…

Especially,  during the retrograde motion of Mercury it is possible to make mistakes even if you are very careful. Being absent minded may end up with  unpleasant happennings. It may bring along regrets after Mercury starts going direct. It is possible that you would be saying such things as ‘’Oh! I wish I had not done that’’.  However, saying these would be of no use…

Wishing all of you days without regrets…

Nuran Tuncel
Istanbul, June 1st, 2000


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