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he Koran says the following about Hz.Mary, who is the mother of a Rasul;
-’Oh! Mary… No doubt that Allah has chosen you, purified you and has preferred you above the women of the universes’’ (Al-Imran/The Family of Imran – Verse 42)

-‘’Right graciously her Lord has accepted her. He made her grow in purity and beauty. To the care of Zakaria was she assigned. Every time that he entered (Her) chamber to see her, he found her supplied with sustenance.
He said ‘O Mary! Whence (comes) this to you?’
She answered ‘From Allah; for Allah provides sustenance to whom he pleases without measure.’’ (Al-Imran 37)
With reference to these explanations we can say that Hz.Mary is not an ordinary human being, but one of  the distinguished individuals in servitude to Allah and she is one of the ‘’female saints’’ who are very few in number.
As in Christianity, Hz.Mary is accepted as a symbol of  honesty in Muslim as well.  For her the Rasul of  Allah (s.a.v) says ‘’Hz.Mary, the daughter of Imran is the best among the women of her period’’.
He also states that the women who have reached the most divine position are Asiye, the believing wife of the Pharaoh and Mary, the daughter of  Imran.
One day Gabriel had come to Mary in the form of a human being and by looking at her shy behaviour he said ‘’I am the messenger  of Allah and I have come to give you a good, clean child as a present’’…
She  was surprised very much because of  having faced such an extraordinary situation, so Hz.Mary  said ‘’How can this happen as no human being has touched me before and as I am not a  corrupted person.’’
In  his book Fusus’ul Hikem,  Ibn-I Arabi says that  Hz.Mary has seen Gabriel (a.s) in the form of a human being and that she was very much impressed.
The questions regarding how Hz.Mary had become pregnant for Hz.Jesus have always been on the agenda and the people’s minds are always busy with this issue…
The thoughts of those that say ‘’If the creator  creates in a certain way, then the creation process can be done in another way too’’ are accepted as the most logical answer that comes to the minds.

Imam-I Gazali, in his small, but very meaningful work translated by Prof. Süleyman Ateþ is using an expression ‘’The divine spirit of prophecy (The Holy Spirit) is being found in some saints.’’
This means that some saints  meet  Gabriel (a.s), but this meeting cannot be considered as a wahey. In these meetings, the representative of the Universal Mind meets the saint in the form of a human being.

Apart from the special cases, one becomes a  saint  after going through lots of  difficulties; it is the state of  mind attained after the purifications that take place in the self/ego and the spirit.  The subject gets purified from all the limitations that  are imposed upon him because of his physical  being.
The lives based on different levels of certitude start from Ilm-el Yakin (Scientific certitude) and going through Ayn-el yakiyn (seeing  and believing) and Hak-el Yakin. The lives of the saints are based on these.
The Koran gives the message ‘’There is no fear for the saints of  Allah who are in servitude, and they will not be sorry.’’ (Jonach/62)
Also, a divine hadith says ‘’They are under my dome and you can never recognize them.’’
There is no doubt that Hz.Mary has attained the position of a saint. During her pregnancy for the Rasul who had no father, she never answered the slanders, in this way she had been ordered to have ‘’a fasting of silence’’ as it is stated in the Koran.(Mary/ 26-33)

Hz. Abd-al Qadir Jilani, in his book Risale-Ý Gavsiye defines the fasting of  silence and says that those who are practicing this kind of fasting are ‘’deaf, speechless and blind’’.  Most probably he is using these expressions as metaphors. They do not indicate that any of  the parts of the physical body are lacking thereof in the sense that we know….

Who can practice the fasting of  silence  which expresses the state where the tongue is speechless as it is called in sufism… I leave the decision to you…

Hz.Abd-al Karim Jiili who is the  grandson of  our Rasul (s.a.v) speaks about Hz.Mary as a saint who has the science of  unity.
However, we should accept that  the rank of  Hz.Mary in sainthood cannot be compared to that of Hz.Jesus; he has a superiority without any doubt.

The information regarding where and how Hz.Mary has spent her last years is as follows:-

Close to the time of his death, while he was together with his mother and St Jean,  Hz.Jesus turned to his mother  and said  ‘’Mother, here is your son’’,  then he turned to  St.Jean and said ‘’Here is your mother’’.  In this manner he had entrusted  them to one another.
According to the bible, after this point St.Jean has taken the mother of Hz.Jesus to his protection.
At the beginning of the 1st Century the torchers against the Christians had increased very much. The torchers had started in the year 36 A.C. when Stephanos, one of the apostles of  Hz.Jesus had been stoned to death and this was followed  by many other events.
In the year 41 A.C., I.Agrippa (Herodes) had announced himself as the king and in order to have a better reputation among his followers he had killed Jacob, the brother of St.Jean and prisoned St.Peter.
All  these  confused and irritated the Christians and they started to go to Juda and Samiria.
After the death of Jesus, most probably the two had stayed in Jerusalem for some time.  However, St. Jean after his brother St.Jacob’s  head was cut off  had understood that it would be impossible to stay in Jerusalem amongst that massacre. So, he took  Saint Mary with him and came to Ephesus after passing through Syria and Anatolia.

It is stated in the records of  the council for the year 431 that St.Jean and Mother Mary have stayed for a short time in the old building beneath the Church of the Council when they had first come to Ephesus.
As it is known, St.Jean had written his bible for the people of Ephesus and it consists of  the questions asked by the Christians in Ephesus and his answers given to them.
In his writings, he doesn’t speak openly about Mother Mary’s coming to Ephesus, but he implies this subject. However, in spite of all the investigations it had not been possible to bring to light the details regarding Mother Mary’s life.  To say it more correctly, commenting about her life has been  avoided.  Mary,  had left the job of  introducing Jesus’s teachings and spreading them to the apostles and she had given utmost importance to the secrecy of her life.
As for the people of  Ephesus, the subject of Mother Mary is a very important fact.  In the bible Mary’s stay in Ephesus is not directly mentioned. However, St.Epifan who is one of the writers belonging to the church of the IVth Century, writes in his book ‘’Panarion’’ that some people who have taken St.Jean and Saint Mary as an example have been living with women who were in seclusion for the purpose of religious ideals and for protecting them.
Even the female saint Jerome, who has investigated the Jerusalem of the fourth century does not speak about a monument for Mary.
If there had been the grave of  Mother Mary in the same place, she would most probably be speaking  about this as a historian, because according to the religious rules during the first years of  Christianity  the churches could be built only in the places where the saints have lived or in a special place where the people  have died as a  martyr for the religion. Only undet this condition the church was named after a person…While Saint Jerome was alive, the only church that had been dedicated to  Mary was in Ephesus.

If, one day you pass through Ephesus, do not forget to go to the citadel, the place where Mother Mary has become a symbol.
While you are climbing up the hill, the voice of the wind will take you away from the material universe and put you into the universe of meanings. The wind will be telling you that this world is temporary and you should not spend all your effort for the things that you are going to leave here and accept yourself only as a visitor on this world. I have visited these places a lot and I have felt that the mother of Hz.Jesus whom I adore most after Hz.Mohammad, has given a direction to my life.
I know that such people are monuments of the humanity and they are always living in the hearts of the people.

Ýstanbul- December 12th 2000

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